forum kriminalprävention - 04/2010 Okt / Nov / Dez
Interview mit Philip Willekens
... dem belgischen Vertreter und Vorsitzenden des Direktoriums im Europäischen Netzwerk für Kriminalprävention (EUCPN)
Ireen C. Winter
Das EUCPN hat mit dem Ratsbeschluss vom 30. November 2009 eine neue Arbeitsgrundlage. Zu den Neuerungen wurde bereits in der fk 2-2010 berichtet. Eine weitere Neuigkeit ist die kontinuierliche Übernahme der Sekretariatsaufgaben des Netzwerkes durch Belgien (vgl. Antwort zur 8. Frage). Die diesjährige Best-Practice-Conference inklusive Verleihung des Europäischen Präventionspreises findet am 1./2. Dezember in Brüssel statt
Frage: From the 1st of July to the 31st of December 2010, it is Belgium's turn to take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). As the National Representative of the European Crime Prevention Network, you will represent the position of the Board Chair till the end of the year. What kind of professional background do you have - especially with a view to the field of crime prevention?
Antwort: After my graduation as a criminologist, I started off my career at the local police in Brussels, where I was employed in a local security and prevention plan.
Hereafter, I worked several years at the Cabinet of the Minister of the Interior, where I was responsible for security an d crime prevention matters.
Since the past 5 years, I am the Director of the Directorate Local Integral Security (the former Permanent Secretariat for Prevention of Crime), where I reviously had the position of Vice-Director. It was in that function that I participated to the first EUCPN meeting in 2001. I have been appointed as National Representative of the EUCPN since then.
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